The 72 Names of God & Their Meaning

Judaism believes God possesses many names, each of them representing a unique attribute of the divine. Kabbalah expands upon this belief, on the basis that the holiness of the Torah (The Pentateuch) lies within every word and every single letter. The knowledgeable believer does not need to stick to the original punctuation and order of the words, rather the letters can be arranged differently to expose new and previously hidden meanings. This faith led Jewish mystics to reveal an additional 72 names of God that can be used to transform lives for the better and welcome new energy.


The Secret of Exodus 14

The 72 names of God are 72 three-letter combinations derived from the book of Exodus 14: 19-21. The 72 names of God are “extracted” from the passage by writing the three verses one above the other without spaces, while writing the middle one backwards.


This is the English translation. Keep in mind that the 72 names are necessarily linked to the Hebrew letters:

And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud removed from before them, and stood behind them; and it came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was the cloud and the darkness here, yet gave it light by night there; and the one came not near the other all the night. And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

Each three letter combination signifies one of God’s powerful names. Due to the names’ potency, many people carry different kinds of jewelry that are inscribed with one or more of these 72 names. The suitable name is usually chosen according to the person’s hopes, needs and challenges.


Here are a few of God’s 72 names and their meanings:

ילי (Yod Lamed Yod): Restoration of hope and increased energy
ללה (Lamed Lamed Heh): Freedom, the release of spiritual chains and providing direction to the soul in confusing times
אלד (Alef Lamed Dalet): Protection from the evil eye
מצר (Mem Tsadi Resh): Brings forth success, strengthens one’s intuition and the connection between the divine and earthly realms


The 72 Names of God in Kabbalah Jewelry

The 72 names of God are a prominent motif in Kabbalah Jewelry. 72 names of God Kabbalah Jewelry pieces are inscribed with these names are worn as talismans by both men and women to welcome good energy, including success, love and health.

These energetic amulets are beautifully engraved in Hebrew with one or more three-letter sequences along with corresponding psalms from Kabbalist texts. All are made from precious metals, primarily sterling silver and gold, and several are decorated with energetic gemstones, such as Turquoise and Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl.

We invite you to search for the piece of 72 names of God Kabbalah jewelry that invokes the energy you wish to bring into your life.


Ha'Ari Kabbalah 72 Names of God Jewelry

Ha'Ari Kabbalah 72 Names Necklaces


The 72 Names of God & Their Meaning

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