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  • Made of silver and gold
  • The top part of the pendant is made of three shields.
  • Featuring the five metals formula

    Made of silver and gold and featuring the five metals formula, the three-dimensional key symbol is what makes this handcrafted Kabbalah jewelry so unique. In Judaism, a key is a symbol of success and prosperity. The top part of the pendant is made of three shields.

    According to our Sages of Blessed Memory, a person’s name will directly impact his or her life vocation or destiny. Each individual person’s foundation is Sin. The Tikun Hava pendant is made of beautiful gold and silver. It features three shields in a representation of the three letters in the name “Eve.” Eve, of course, began in Sin and turned punishment into a foundation of everlasting life.  

    The first letter, E or “Heth” is the number 8, Abraham Shield and is made up of two joined squares. This means there are 8 sides. The second letter is “vay” or the number 6, David Shield and is made up of two triangles. Therefore, there are 6 points. The last letter, “Hey” represents the number five, Solomon Shield, as it is a 5 pointed star. Each shield has a different meaning but their overall purpose is to bring about improvement and balance. The Abraham shield is linked with redemption. The David Shield is linked to equality. The Solomon Shield is linked to the redemption of beauty and act. It is believed that holding the Tikun Hava pendant brings about balance and an improved soul. It is therefore an incredibly powerful piece with a great deal of meaning behind it.

    Holding it creates Power, Balance and a better soul.

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