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 On the side of the pendant is engraving the verse, "Make a sign for me for good" (Psalm 162)

In Jewish sources, the good eye is an eye that looks at the human being and surrounds it with good energy, which protects it from evil. The eye that looks at the world of the Creator sees primarily the good and does not seek evil.

A good eye, thank you and praise the Creator for all the good and the wonderful which is rewarded, pray and seek to correct the truth.

A good eye will rejoice in the goodness of others, and therefore one must aspire to a spiritual level as high as possible, the higher the spiritual level, the better the eye's effect.

Therefore it is said, "He is blessed, for he gave his war to the poor." Proverbs 22

In other words, the goodness of the eye is blessed, for it has given it power, its energies, and its spiritual abundance to a person who suffers from deprivation and fills himself with all good


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